the AUTO-CINEMATIC Video Mix Tape, coming soon to DVD- order NOW!!!

Peripheral Produce Auto Cinematic Video Mix TapeThe original, first ever Peripheral Produce video compilation- originally released in 1998 on VHS tape, featured twelve short experimental films and videos. Out of print for the past few years, the AUTO- CINEMATIC Video Mix Tape is being re-mastered and re-released on DVD.  Featuring work from MIRANDA JULY, NEGATIVLAND, JON RAYMOND, VANESSA RENWICK, ANIMAL CHARM, MATT McCORMICK, and MORE, the Auto-Cinematic Video Mix Tape looks back at what was happening in and around the mid-90s Portland experimental film community.

The DVD hits the streets July 31 so PRE-ORDER NOW!!! To celebrate we will have a release party and Peripheral Produce retrospective screening at The Hollywood Theatre on Saturday August 4, 2012.  JUST LIKE OLD TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

from the archives: MJ goes video

If you were at this Peripheral Produce event in Portland, Oregon in 1997 then not only did you see Jim Fetterley and Rich Bott before they were Animal Charm, Julian Lawrence scratch away a film WHILE IT WAS BEING PROJECTED (with a live soundtrack performed by Noggin), and the great film Andre The Giant has a Posse, but you also saw MIRANDA JULY’S FIRST EVER VIDEO-INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE!  All for the wonderful cause of helping with the restoration efforts of the lovely Hollywood Theatre!